Fuzzdandy Presents: Revolver Re-Formed - Songs Inspired by The Beatles Revolver

Fuzzdandy Presents: Revolver Re-Formed - Songs Inspired by The Beatles Revolver

Revolver Re-formed is a Revolveresque, Fuzzdandy compilation of 60's artists with tracks that sound inspired by each track from The Beatles 1966 LP Revolver. Compiled By Joe of The Junipers.

  1. One Hour Cleaners - The Blue Things (Taxman)
  2. Undecided Man - Paul Revere and the Raiders (Eleanor Rigby)
  3. Once a Year - Los Walkers (I'm Only Sleeping)
  4. Rather Be Me - Colours (Love You Too)
  5. Night shift - The Cowsills (Here, There and Everywhere)
  6. Hampden Tennis Club - The Formyula (Yellow Submarine)
  7. The Sailing Ship - The Cryan Shames (She Said She Said)
  8. We're in Love - The Merry Go Round (Good Day Sunshine)
  9. Yes - Buckwheat (And Your Bird Can Sing)
  10. Sea - Justin Heathcliff (For No One)
  11. Turn Of the Year - The Eddysons (Dr Robert)
  12. Put Your Mind at Ease - Every Mothers Son (I Want To Tell You)
  13. In the Late Afternoon - The American Revolution (Got To Get You Into My Life)
  14. Twenty Years of Love - Los Macs (Tomorrow Never Knows)
